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The Top 5 Putting Drills to Improve Your Score on the Green

The Top 5 Putting Drills to Improve Your Score on the Green

Putting is one of the most crucial aspects of golf that can make or break a player’s game. It requires skill, precision, and patience to successfully putt the ball into the hole. To improve your putting game, practicing regularly and incorporating putting drills can help sharpen your skills and technique. In this article, we will discuss the top five putting drills that can help improve your score on the green.

Putting can be a frustrating aspect of the game, but it’s also an opportunity to shave off strokes from your scorecard. Putting is more than just making the ball go in the hole; it’s about understanding the fundamentals, practicing the proper techniques, and being mentally strong. In this article, we will share five of the best putting drills to help you improve your technique, consistency, and confidence on the green.

Understanding Putting Fundamentals

Before we dive into the top putting drills, it’s essential to understand the fundamentals of putting. These include grip, stance, alignment, ball position, and stroke. To be an effective putter, you need to master each of these elements and find what works best for you.


The grip is the most crucial aspect of putting. The two most common grips are the traditional grip and the cross-handed grip. The traditional grip involves placing your left hand on the top of the putter grip and your right hand below your left hand. The cross-handed grip consists in placing your left hand below your right hand.


Your stance is the foundation of your putting stroke. A proper stance should be balanced and stable, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Your weight should be evenly distributed between both feet.


Alignment is the position of your body with the target line. Your body should be parallel to the target line, and your feet, hips, and shoulders should be aligned.

Ball Position

The position of the ball relative to your stance can affect your putting stroke. The ball should be positioned slightly forward or center in your stance for most putts.


The putting stroke should be smooth, consistent, and controlled. It should be a pendulum motion, with your shoulders and arms working together to create a smooth, even stroke.

Top 5 Putting Drills to Improve Your Score on the Green

Gate Drill

The Gate Drill is a great drill for improving your accuracy and speed control. Place two tees in the ground about a putter head’s width apart, creating a gate. Place a ball in the middle of the gate and practice hitting the ball through the gate without touching the tees.

Lag Putt Drill

The Lag Putt Drill is an excellent drill for improving your distance control. Find a putt with a long distance and try to lag the ball as close to the hole as possible. Focus on maintaining a consistent speed and hitting the ball at the center of the putter face.

Short Putt Drill

The Short Putt Drill is a great drill for building confidence and improving your short putting skills. Set up a tee or coin about three feet from the hole and practice making putts from this distance.

Reading the Break Drill

The Reading, the Break Drill, is a great drill for improving your ability to read greens.

To practice this drill, choose a hole with a pronounced slope and place a ball on the green. Take your time to analyze the slope and determine the direction and amount of break. Practice hitting the ball with the correct speed and direction to compensate for the slope.

Distance Control Drill

The Distance Control Drill is a great drill for improving your ability to judge distances. Place three balls at varying distances from the hole, such as 10 feet, 20 feet, and 30 feet. Practice hitting each ball to see how close you can get to the hole without going past it. Focus on maintaining a consistent speed and hitting the ball at the center of the putter face.

Putting Aids to Enhance Your Practice

In addition to practicing putting drills, using putting aids can also help improve your technique and consistency on the green. Some popular putting aids include:

Using these aids can help you develop good habits and correct any flaws in your putting technique.


Improving your putting skills takes practice, patience, and a willingness to learn. By mastering the fundamental elements of putting and practicing the top five putting drills we’ve discussed in this article, you can improve your score on the green and take your golf game to the next level. Remember to focus on your grip, stance, alignment, ball position, and stroke, and don’t forget to use putting aids to enhance your practice.


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