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How to Stop Pushing the Golf Ball: Expert Tips and Tricks

How to Stop Pushing the Golf Ball

To stop pushing the golf ball, improve your pivot and turn, check your setup and alignment, and learn to gain control of the clubface through impact. Additionally, apply a neutral grip, position the ball forward in your stance, flex your wrists before impact, and enhance your left shoulder turn to square the ball to the target.

Moving the ball forward in your stance can also help in preventing pushes. Taking these steps will allow you to correct issues with ball position, reverse pivot, poor clubface control, and sliding in your swing, resulting in more accurate and straighter shots.


Understanding The Push Shot In Golf

What Is A Push Shot In Golf?

In golf, a push shot occurs when the golf ball veers off to the right (for right-handed golfers) in a straight line. Instead of following its intended path or curving left (as in a slice), the ball goes straight but misses the target to the right. This can be frustrating for golfers and can lead to missed opportunities on the course.

Common Causes Of A Push Shot

There are several common causes that can lead to a push shot in golf:

  1. Alignment: Incorrect alignment is a common culprit for push shots. If you are aiming too far to the right of the target, your swing will naturally push the ball in that direction.
  2. Open clubface: When your clubface is open at impact, it causes the ball to go straight to the right. This can be a result of an improper grip or an incorrect swing path.
  3. Weight shift: If your weight is shifting too much towards your front foot during the downswing, it can cause the ball to push to the right.
  4. Swing path: A swing that comes from outside-in can result in a push shot. This means your clubhead is traveling on an outward path, causing the ball to go straight right instead of curving left.
  5. Grip pressure: Gripping the club too tightly can lead to a push shot. This tension in the hands and arms affects the swing and can cause the clubface to be open at impact.

To stop pushing the golf ball, it’s important to address these common causes and make the necessary adjustments in your setup and swing. By improving your alignment, grip, swing path, and weight shift, you can correct your push shots and start hitting more accurate shots on the course.

Correcting Your Setup For A Straight Shot

Learn how to correct your setup to stop pushing the golf ball. Improve your pivot and turn, check your alignment, and gain control of the clubface through impact for a straight shot. Find easy fixes and tips to fix your push slice and push fade.

The Importance Of A Neutral Grip

In order to stop pushing the golf ball, one crucial aspect to consider is your grip. A neutral grip allows for proper control and helps you maintain a square clubface at impact. When it comes to your grip, ensure that it is not too weak or too strong. A neutral grip means your hands are positioned in a way that aligns your palms with the target line.

Optimal Ball Position For Preventing Pushes

Another key factor in correcting your setup for a straight shot is the position of the golf ball. Placing the ball too far back in your stance can lead to pushes as it encourages an out-to-in swing path. Conversely, if the ball is too far forward, it can result in pulls. To prevent pushes, it is recommended to position the ball slightly forward of center. This promotes an inside-to-square-to-inside swing path, leading to straighter shots.

Achieving A Square Clubface At Impact

The position of the clubface at impact greatly affects the direction of your shot. To ensure a square clubface at impact, focus on your wrist and shoulder movements. Before impact, flex your wrists slightly, allowing for a more controlled release of the clubhead. Moreover, enhancing your left shoulder turn can create additional room for you to square the clubface to the target.

If you consistently push the golf ball, it’s important to analyze and correct your setup. By applying a neutral grip, positioning the ball forward of center, and achieving a square clubface at impact, you can significantly reduce or eliminate those unwanted pushes. Remember, making these adjustments may take some practice and experimentation, but with persistence, you’ll start seeing improved accuracy and straighter shots on the golf course.

Improving Your Swing Technique

Improve your swing technique and stop pushing the golf ball with these effective tips. Enhance your pivot and turn, check your setup and alignment, and gain control of the clubface through impact for better accuracy.

Proper Pivot And Turn For A Straight Shot

One of the key factors in stopping the golf ball from pushing to the right is to improve your pivot and turn during your swing. Having a proper pivot and turn ensures that your clubface stays square to the target, leading to a straight shot. Here are a few tips to improve your pivot and turn:

  1. Keep your weight balanced and evenly distributed between your feet.
  2. As you start your backswing, rotate your hips and shoulders simultaneously. This allows for a proper coil and helps generate power.
  3. Ensure that your backswing is not too steep or too flat. A well-executed backswing promotes a smoother transition to the downswing.
  4. During the downswing, focus on initiating the movement from your lower body, starting with a shift of weight to the front foot.
  5. As you follow through, allow your hips and shoulders to continue rotating, maintaining a balanced finish.

Eliminating Sliding In Your Swing

Sliding during the swing can result in an inconsistent ball strike and push shots. By eliminating sliding, you can increase your chances of hitting the ball straighter. Here are a few steps to help you eliminate sliding in your swing:

  1. Start by ensuring a stable base by placing your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. During your setup, slightly flex your knees, which helps create stability and prevents excessive lateral movement.
  3. As you swing, focus on keeping your upper body centered and in sync with your lower body.
  4. Work on maintaining good balance throughout your swing, avoiding any excessive weight transfer to the front foot or lateral movement.
  5. Practice drills that promote body rotation instead of sliding, such as the “step-through” drill or using alignment aids to reinforce a more centered swing.

Developing Better Clubface Control

Having better control over the clubface is crucial in preventing the ball from pushing to the right. Here are some tips to help you develop better control over the clubface:

  1. Ensure a neutral grip, where the V between your thumb and index finger points towards your trailing shoulder.
  2. Practice hitting shots with proper clubface alignment, aiming at a specific target.
  3. Use alignment aids or training tools to help you visualize and reinforce the correct clubface position at address and impact.
  4. Focus on maintaining a firm wrist position throughout your swing, avoiding any excessive flipping or rolling of the hands.
  5. Experiment with different drills, such as practicing half swings or focusing on hitting the ball with the clubface open or closed, to improve your control over the clubface.

Enhancing Your Alignment And Targeting

If you find yourself consistently pushing the golf ball to the right, it’s time to take a closer look at your alignment and targeting. Proper alignment and targeting are crucial for delivering accurate shots and preventing the ball from veering off to the side. In this section, we’ll explore some strategies to help you improve your alignment and targeting, ensuring that you hit straighter shots and eliminate those frustrating pushes.

Checking Your Setup And Alignment

Before you even take a swing, it’s important to ensure that your setup and alignment are on point. Many golfers overlook this crucial step, but it can make all the difference in your shot accuracy. Here are a few key considerations when checking your setup and alignment:

  1. Position your feet parallel to the target line: Your feet should be aligned parallel to the intended target line. This promotes a proper swing path and helps prevent the ball from going astray.
  2. Align your body with the target: Your shoulders, hips, knees, and feet should all be aligned in the same direction as your target. This ensures that your swing is balanced and your clubface is square at impact.
  3. Check your ball position: The position of the ball in your stance can also affect your shot direction. For a push, try moving the ball slightly forward in your stance. Experiment with different positions to find what works best for you.

Choosing A Target And Visualizing The Shot

Selecting a specific target and visualizing your shot can significantly improve your alignment and targeting. Here’s how:

  1. Choose a small target: Rather than aiming for the general direction of the fairway, pick a specific spot or object as your target. This helps you focus and provides a clearer visual reference for your shot.
  2. Visualize the shot: Take a few moments before your swing to visualize the ball flying towards your target. Imagine the trajectory, the distance, and the desired outcome. This mental imagery can enhance your alignment and increase your chances of hitting an accurate shot.

Adjusting Your Aim For A Straight Shot

If you’re consistently pushing the ball to the right, it may be necessary to adjust your aim to compensate for this tendency. Here are some tips to help you aim for a straight shot:

By implementing these strategies and fine-tuning your alignment and targeting, you’ll be well on your way to eliminating those frustrating pushes and hitting straighter shots. Remember to practice regularly to reinforce these techniques and develop a consistent swing that delivers accurate results.

Mastering The Mental Game

The mental aspect of golf can often be the determining factor between success and failure on the course. When it comes to stopping the push of the golf ball, mastering the mental game is essential. By staying focused and confident during your swing, managing pressure and nerves on the course, and developing a positive mindset for better results, you can overcome the challenge of pushing the golf ball. Let’s explore these key aspects in more detail.

Staying Focused And Confident During Your Swing

One of the main reasons golfers push the ball is due to a lack of focus and confidence during their swing. To address this, it’s important to develop a pre-shot routine that helps you stay present and focused on the task at hand. A consistent routine can help eliminate distractions and improve your overall concentration on each shot, ultimately reducing the likelihood of pushing the ball.

Furthermore, maintaining confidence in your abilities is vital. Doubt and negative self-talk can creep in when you’re not seeing the desired results. Instead, focus on your strengths and visualize successful shots. Trust in your abilities and approach each swing with a confident mindset. This positivity can have a significant impact on your ball-striking, helping to eliminate the push.

Managing Pressure And Nerves On The Course

Golf can be a mentally challenging sport, especially when faced with pressure situations and nerves on the course. These factors can often lead to pushing the ball, as tension in the body and mind can disrupt your swing mechanics.

It’s crucial to find strategies for managing pressure and nerves effectively. Deep breathing exercises, visualization, and positive self-talk are just a few techniques that can help calm your mind and body before each shot. By controlling your emotions and staying relaxed, you’ll be better equipped to execute your swing and avoid the push.

Developing A Positive Mindset For Better Results

Lastly, developing a positive mindset is key to stopping the push of the golf ball. Instead of dwelling on past mistakes or negative outcomes, focus on the present moment and the potential for success. Each shot is an opportunity to make a good swing and produce the desired result. Embrace the challenge and approach it with a growth mindset.

In addition, cultivating a positive attitude towards practice and improvement can enhance your confidence and resilience on the course. Understand that progress takes time and effort, and stay committed to your improvement journey. By adopting a positive mindset, you’ll be more likely to overcome the push and achieve better results.

Frequently Asked Questions On How To Stop Pushing The Golf Ball

How Do You Fix A Push Slice Driver?

To fix a push slice driver, improve pivot and turn, check setup and alignment, and gain control of the clubface.

How Do You Fix A Push Fade?

To fix a push fade in golf, focus on improving your pivot and turn, checking your setup and alignment, and gaining control of the clubface through impact. Neutral grip, forward ball position, square clubface, flexing wrists, and enhancing left shoulder turn can all help eliminate the push fade.

How Do I Stop Hooking And Pushing My Golf Ball?

To stop hooking and pushing your golf ball, improve your grip, ball position, and clubface control. Focus on your pivot and turn, setup, and alignment. Flex your wrists before impact and enhance your left shoulder turn. This will help you square the clubface and hit the ball accurately.

How Do I Stop Pulling The Golf Ball With My Driver?

To stop pulling the golf ball with your driver, improve your swing’s pivot and turn, check your setup and alignment, and focus on gaining control of the clubface through impact. Apply a neutral grip, position the ball forward in your stance, and ensure a square clubface at contact.

Flex your wrists before impact and enhance your left shoulder turn.


To stop pushing the golf ball, it will require some adjustments in your technique. Begin by focusing on your grip, ensuring it is neutral. Additionally, position the ball slightly forward in your stance and aim to have a square clubface at impact.

Flex your wrists before the point of contact and enhance your left shoulder turn to give you more space to square the ball towards your target. By implementing these tips, you can overcome the push shot and improve your overall golf game.

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